The Hirola Antelope

Hirola Family in Ishakbini Sanctuary


In the semi-arid grasslands of East Africa, an elusive creature moves with quiet grace— the Hirola antelope (Beatragus hunteri), a rare species so unique it stands as the last of its genus. The Hirola is not just another antelope; it’s a living relic, an ancient reminder of Africa’s evolutionary past. Yet today, this majestic animal teeters on the brink of extinction, with only a few hundred individuals remaining in the wild.

World Reserves’ initiative to create an International Hirola Reserve

World Reserves suggests to the world community, and particular to the governments of Kenya and Somalia, to expand the groundbreaking, already-successful predator-proof sanctuary at Ishaqbini by a factor of 20 to restore the pre-1970s population of >10,000.   In 2024, World Reserves is meeting with local community and national government officials to further this idea.

Scientific and Visual Description

At first glance, the Hirola might resemble other African antelopes, but look closer, and you’ll notice a distinct beauty that sets it apart. Standing around 100–125 cm (39–49 inches) tall at the shoulder and weighing between 80 to 120 kg (176–265 lbs), Hirolas have a slender yet muscular frame, built for speed and endurance. Their coat is a sandy-brown, blending effortlessly into the dry savanna, with a slightly lighter underbelly.

What really catches the eye, however, are the markings on their face. The Hirola’s most striking feature is the pair of large, tear-shaped white markings that run from their eyes down to their muzzle. This has earned them the nickname “four-eyed antelope,” as these markings almost seem like a second set of eyes. Their elegant, slightly curved horns (present in both males and females) can grow up to 70 cm (27.5 inches) long, resembling those of hartebeests but with a gentler sweep.

Scientifically, the Hirola belongs to its own unique genus, Beatragus, making it a fascinating subject of study for evolutionary biologists. Genetic analysis has shown that the Hirola is the only surviving member of this lineage, which split from other antelopes millions of years ago.

The Name “Hirola”

The name “Hirola” comes from the Somali people, who inhabit the regions where the antelope is found. In Somali, “Hirola” translates roughly to “the peaceful one” or “the one who walks alone.” This reflects not only the animal’s calm demeanor but also its solitary nature. It was first scientifically described in the late 19th century by explorer and naturalist Colonel H.G.C. Swayne, though it was formally named Beatragus hunteri in honor of another British explorer, H.C.V. Hunter, who conducted extensive surveys in northern Kenya.

Special Markings and Adaptations

The Hirola’s facial markings are more than just cosmetic. Some experts believe these distinctive tear-shaped white patches may play a role in communication, helping individuals recognize one another from a distance in the vast, open plains. Their light coat color helps reflect the harsh sun of their environment, and their large, mobile ears allow them to detect predators from afar—an essential adaptation in the predator-rich savanna.

Population Decline and Causes

Once widespread across northeastern Kenya and southern Somalia, the Hirola population has suffered a catastrophic decline over the last century. As of 2023, it is estimated that fewer than 500 individuals remain in the wild, making it one of the world’s most critically endangered mammals.

Several factors have contributed to this alarming decline:

  1. Habitat Loss: As human populations in Kenya and Somalia have grown, Hirola habitat has been converted to farmland and grazing land for livestock. This has fragmented the Hirola’s natural range and degraded their grassland ecosystem.
  2. Drought: The semi-arid environment of the Hirola’s habitat is prone to prolonged droughts, which have become more frequent due to climate change. Drought reduces the availability of food and water, forcing Hirola to compete with domestic livestock for resources.
  3. Predation: Hirola antelopes are preyed upon by some of Africa’s most fearsome carnivores, including lions, cheetahs, and African wild dogs. Normally, they could escape predators by outrunning them, but with their numbers so low and their habitat so fragmented, they’ve become increasingly vulnerable.
  4. Disease: Outbreaks of diseases like rinderpest have historically decimated Hirola populations, particularly in the 1980s. While rinderpest has since been eradicated, other diseases, exacerbated by contact with livestock, continue to pose a threat.
  5. Poaching: While Hirola are not a primary target for poachers, they are sometimes caught in snares meant for other animals, such as bushmeat species. The stress of human activity in their habitat further drives them into ever-smaller territories.

Habitat and Feeding

The Hirola’s home is the open, grassy plains and savannas of the Horn of Africa, primarily in northeastern Kenya. They prefer semi-arid, lightly wooded regions with abundant grass cover, where they can graze on a variety of grasses and shrubs. Their diet consists mainly of fresh shoots and leaves, especially after rains when the grass is most nutritious.

Hirola are incredibly water-efficient and can survive long periods without drinking. This allows them to inhabit areas far from permanent water sources. However, during extreme droughts, they are forced to migrate in search of water, which can expose them to predators and conflicts with humans and livestock.

Predators and Social Behavior

In terms of predators, Hirola antelopes have a formidable lineup of threats. Lions, cheetahs, and African wild dogs are their primary predators, though young Hirola may also fall prey to leopards and even large eagles. The Hirola’s best defense is its speed and agility. When alarmed, they can sprint up to 50 mph (80 kph) to escape predators, often performing a series of zig-zag leaps to evade capture.

Hirola are social animals, though they tend to form smaller herds compared to other antelope species. Herds usually consist of 10 to 20 individuals, led by a dominant male. Females and their young form the core of the herd, while males tend to be more territorial. Young males are often pushed out of their natal herd and must establish their own territories.

Conservation Efforts: What Can Be Done to Save the Hirola?

The battle to save the Hirola from extinction is a race against time. Several conservation initiatives have been launched, focusing on habitat protection, anti-poaching measures, and community involvement.

  1. Hirola Conservation Initiatives (HCI): We are committed to supporting the livelihoods of the communities living in areas where the critically endangered Hirola antelope exists, as 90% of their economy relies on livestock. Through a targeted vaccination program, we aim to protect not only the livestock but also safeguard the Hirola population from the risk of zoonotic and endemic diseases that can be transmitted between wildlife and domestic animals. This initiative will enhance both community well-being and conservation efforts by reducing disease outbreaks that threaten the survival of this iconic species and the livestock-dependent communities.
  2. Translocations: In a bid to expand the Hirola’s range, conservationists have undertaken translocation efforts, moving small groups of Hirola to protected areas, such as Tsavo East National Park in Kenya. This has helped create a backup population, away from the threats faced in their native range.
  3. Community Engagement: Local communities play a crucial role in Hirola conservation. Involving pastoralists in the management of grazing areas ensures that there is enough food for both livestock and wildlife. Education programs have also been launched to raise awareness about the importance of the Hirola and the benefits of protecting it.
  4. Habitat Restoration: With much of the Hirola’s habitat lost or degraded, efforts to restore native grasslands are key to their survival. This involves removing invasive plant species, controlling grazing, and replanting native grasses that provide essential food and cover for Hirola.


The Hirola antelope is more than just a beautiful animal; it is a symbol of the delicate balance of life in East Africa’s grasslands. Its decline serves as a warning of what can happen when ecosystems are disrupted by human activity, climate change, and neglect. But there is hope. Through concerted conservation efforts, there is a chance to pull the Hirola back from the brink of extinction and secure its place in the wild for future generations.

In saving the Hirola, we protect not only a unique species but also the rich biodiversity of the grasslands they call home. It’s a reminder that even the most vulnerable creatures can survive, as long as we act in time.

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Dr Hussein Ahmed Omar

Director of Operations

Jeff Shea

Founder & CEO

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